Packed Red Blood Cells (PRBC)

  • Packed Red Blood Cells
  • Packed Red Blood Cell are also called PRBCs, RBCs, and packed cells. PRBC are a type of blood component used for blood transfusions.
  • PRBC are the cells and the small amount of plasma and anticoagulant that remains after the plasma is removed from one unit of whole blood.
  • The packed cells are typically used in anemic patients that are either causing symptoms or when the hemoglobin is less. Blood transfusion required in people receiving cancer chemotherapy or who have hemoglobin disorders.

Aphrisis (SDP)

  • Aphrisis (SDP)

Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)

  • Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)

Pediatrics Red Blood Cell (PRBC)

  • Pediatrics Red Blood Cell (PRBC)